
Showing posts from June, 2012

Kerajaan Melayu Dharmasraya dalam Manuskrip Tanjung Tanah

Disarikan Oleh Frinaldi, ST., M.Sc ; Salah satu bukti sejarah tertulis yang ditemukan tentang sejarah Kerajaan Melayu di Dharmasraya adalah sebuah tulisan yang ditulis di media kertas yang dibuat dari kulit pohon Mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera Vent.), yang dikenal dengan dluwang. Manuskrip ini ditemukan di Desa Tanjung Tanah oleh Petrus Voorhoeve yang mengunjungi Sumatra tepatnya di Kabupaten Kerinci pada bulan April dan Juli 1941 sehingga disebut juga dengan Manuskrip Tanjung Tanah. Nama Dharmasraya terdapat dalam manuskrip ini, yang merupakan tempat dimana Patung AMOGHAPASA yang dikirim oleh raja Jawa pada tahun 1208 Saka (1286 M). Manuskrip Tanjung Tanah Berukuran 10 x 15 cm yang terdiri dari 17 lembar dan ditulis pada kedua sisinya serta diman setiap halaman berisi tujuh baris tulisan dan tidak dijilid serta tidak memiliki cover dan ditulis dengan tinta hitam. Transliterasi terhadap manuskrip dibuat oleh Phil...

Sekilas Sejarah Kerajaan Melayu di Dharmasraya

Disarikan Oleh Frinaldi, ST., M.Sc ; Very little is known about the history of Dharmasraya, which apparently played an important role during the time when the Malayu kingdom adapted to the changing geopolitical circumstances and became more focused in exploiting the resources of the interior. In fact there are three locations that played major roles in the MALAYU KINGDOM of ADITYAWARMAN were (1) SUROASO , the capital in the Minangkabau highlands, (2) DHARMASRAYA , the main reloading point where the natural resources from the surrounding areas where collected, and (3) MUARA JAMBI and/or other ports in the Muara Sabak / Koto Kandis region along the Kuala Niur, the navigable branch of the lower Batang Hari, which formed the gateway to international trade. ( The Tanjung Tanah Code Of Law - The Oldest Extant Malay Manuscript, Ulrich Kozok, Ph.D.; St Catherine’s College and The University Press; Cambridge - 2004) Ka...


Introduction This essay is one of the assignment from Module 13 in which for the last 3 weeks in module 13 we learned about Participatory GIS (PGIS), its methods, issues, tools and concepts and also some exercise to get some experiences with the tools such as GPS, IPAQ (PDA) and Cybertracker. As a urban planning and management student I try to see the application of PGIS in he context of urban planning especially in dealing with the informal settlements growth mapping. From this 3 weeks. PGIS is a combination of methods and tool of geo-spatial information such as sketch maps, Participatory 3D Models (P3DM), aerial photographs, satellite imagery, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in order to capture the spatial knowledge of certain people as a participant. The process of will become an interactive process in which researcher and participant learn each other about certain phenomenon with discussion, information exchange, and decision making. P...